
How important are donations?

Although the Society has assets, donations are still vitally important. Only through prudent investments, bequests, and generous donations from members has the Society been able to exist for over 150 years to help those in need. We have never lacked in finding women who needed our help. Your donations help us increase our ability to provide necessary funds to the women and children by increasing the available funds and closing some holes to make it safely through the year.

How you can help.

Refer women and children in need by contacting us. You can also support our organization with a donation:

  • Become a member: The membership dues of $50 are a tax-deductible donations that are used toward helping those in need. We invite you to apply for membership.
  • Make a donation: Monetary donations are welcome at any time. You can donate online or through the mail.
  • Memorials and Tributes: Make a donation in memory of a loved one or to commemorate a special event.
  • Bequests: Consider adding the German Ladies’ General Benevolent Society to your estate plan.
  • All donations are tax-deductible. Contact us to make a donation.