About Our Society
In September 1870, a group of women from prominent German families residing in San Francisco formed our organization to provide much-needed aid to German women and children who were new to California. By 1900, the membership grew to over 250 women and the organization has continued to carry on its mission for the past 155 years. Despite the hardships and obstacles created by the 1906 Earthquake, the Great Depression, two World Wars, and the recent pandemic, we have continually distributed short term emergency financial assistance to women and children living on the edge of poverty.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide short term emergency financial assistance and support to women and children of German origin or heritage who reside in the Bay Area. We are a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Since 1870, countless women have served as officers and directors of our organization. Just as in the past, today, the Board of Directors is comprised of women from the Bay Area who meet on a monthly basis. Client cases are reviewed with the greatest degree of compassion and confidentiality.

Prospective clients notify the Society of their circumstances and special needs. After their application and supporting documentation for assistance has been reviewed and approved, the Board determines the best method of providing assistance – through short term emergency financial assistance and/or other support.
If you are in need of help, please download the application below and email it to us. (The PDF is a fill-in form that can be completed and saved on your computer.)
The assets of the Society are held in an account with a financial institution and are invested and distributed with the approval of the Board of Directors. The annual charitable disbursements do not generally exceed the sum of the yearly interest earned to ensure that the Society will maintain sufficient funds to operate in perpetuity.